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In-The-Ear Hearing Aid Device- Styles And Features

In-the-ear style hearing aid is one of the commonly wore aids which will be very comfortable to wear and this is based on the cast as well as the ear impression. This style of aid is available in different skin tones, so that it camouflages with the outer ear. In this, in-the-ear style, there are many styles. In this style, there are many which come from smallest to large type. Talk to your Hearing aid audiologist for more clarity.

IIC is not visible

The invisible in the canal IIC is one of the styles in this In-the-ear style hearing aid. It is placed in-the-ear and it sits invisible or is behind the ear canal. This is used for people who are having mild to moderate hearing problems. This is designed to sit deep in-the-ear and is not visible to the person who is sitting next. If the ear of a person has thought and short length canal, IIC style hearing aid is not preferred. So in many cases, the ear impression is taken and then customized device is made. This device is available in 8, 12 and 16 channels. Hearing aid audiologist can suggest which style of the device will be perfect to the person depending on the severity of the problem and the ear size.

CIC fits totally in-the-ear

Other style of hearing aid in In-the-ear style is Completely in the canal CIC. This style of device fits in-the-ear canal deeply. This can be used by people who have mild to moderate hearing problems. It has a small cord which helps in placing and removing the device from the ear. This can be customised and helps one feel natural hearing as it is close to eardrum. But it has short battery life and it is difficult to insert in-the-ear. It can be prone to the moisture and earwax can be build surrounding it.

In the canal type

Other type of In-the-ear style device is In the Canal ITC. This device is placed in the lower part of the outer ear bowl. This is comfortable as well as easy to use. This device is larger than the CIC and has a long battery life. This has additional features like directional microphones, volume control and this can be used by mild and moderate hearing problem people. It can be made in different flesh tones, so that one cannot notice the device. The features are that this is a discreet device and as its microphone is closer to eardrum, natural hearing is experienced and it stays easily in one place. But it has short battery life and is difficult to insert in-the-ear. Few devices come in larger models. The other style is full shell; this device sits within-the-ear, in the outer bowl. This size is in such a way that it helps in additional controls and helps in having additional features like directional microphones. They need space in the outer part of the instrument. They have a large battery and have a large receiver which helps in hearing for sever hearing problem people. As it is highly flexible, it is used by people who have mild, moderate and severe hearing problems.

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