Investing in a car for the very first time is a landmark event for every young driver. To be sure, that feeling of finally being able to go wherever they want, whenever they want; to no longer be dependent on lifts from parents or indirect journeys via unreliable buses, is without doubt one of the most empowering in any young person’s life. Suffice to say, drivers will only get to enjoy these new benefits if the car they invest in can be relied upon to consistently get them from A to B. While the temptation to go out and buy the first (and often cheapest) car they see as soon as they pass their test is undoubtedly very strong, it is hardly the most sensible thing to do. After all, drivers will find it very hard to spread their wings and enjoy their new found independence if the calibre of their new motor is such that it causes them problems on every journey.

Simply put, it is absolutely vital that all new drivers take a little bit of time to consider a few key aspects before parting with their (or their parents’) hard-earned cash. So what kind of aspects are we talking about here? Well, while there are a multitude of things which can prove to be pivotal when buying a new car, there are arguably two aspects which stand out as being more important than most to young drivers: the selection process and insurance.


Those looking to buy a car for the first time have several different choices open to them: they can visit a commercial dealership, seek out a private dealer, meet up with a private seller or go to an auction. While it is of course possible to buy cars online, this is not recommended, especially for those who have never bought a car before. Regardless of which of the aforementioned routes a first time buyer might decide to go down, it is important that they remember one thing above all others – to always take a prospective vehicle for a test drive, as this will give them an opportunity to see how well the car handles and performs at a variety of speeds. Needless to say, any car that resonates with unusual clunks or rattles should be dismissed immediately.


The insurance industry perceives young drivers – those aged between 17 and 25 – to be the most likely to be involved in accidents on the road. Because of this, insurance premiums aimed at drivers within this age bracket are more often than not some of the most expensive on the entire market. Buyers should keep this concern uppermost in their mind when they are out car shopping as the type of vehicle they choose is likely to have big impact on how much they will end up paying for their insurance. The best advice to follow in this respect is to avoid lager and/or modified cars and invest in small cars instead as their lower engine capacities are generally complimented by lower insurance premiums.

About the author – Bo Heamyan is a web writer who, as well as blogging regularly about insurance-related topics, perennially extols the virtues of always being suitably covered for a number of leading websites, including

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